The yoga of pushing it...
Image from Yogi Buddha |
Sometimes I wonder how this works, how some days are different and things go smoothly and other days things are difficult, slower to do. I have been trying to figure this out.
I remember when I used to run how it was good somedays to finish the run and wonder how the time went while other days it was punishment. I used to wonder if it was related to what I ate, when I ate, how I slept etc.
Are there mind/spirit warming exercises like body warming exercises? There was something today as I tried to get through the yoga routine of feeling that I should push it.. and that is sometimes how when the dark clouds are present in the mind, there is this thing of pushing though unlike the yoga, the mental pushing leaves you feeling tired and exhausted and then one day things are okay again and then they are not.
The man who sent the link to the Rachmaninov's said that the first part of the 3rd brought to mind Samuel Beckett's "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better""
Managing wellness is probably about trying and succeeding and failing and probably not being consumed by the failures or despairing about not maintaining the successes. Or knowing that some days the head will reach the knees and some days they will not.
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