Nice ting bout Guyana is dat if you get a sick or anyting like dat, is dat everybody gat a cure. And somehow I get caught up in de cure ting now fuh some of de sick. And is so I end up wid different different oil pun me bedroom ledge and now I using de bottle fuh mix me own.
Crabwood oil good fuh mosquitoe and when you mix it wid lil eucalyptus oil, it doan smell too bad. De eucalptyus and de peppermint oil pun de pillow does help wid some nice sleep, except dat I does get some strange dreams .
Castor Oil.. long known as a laxative.. my friend Karen swear by it fuh pain and fuh heal skin and suh- and she knows as she has artificial limbs which are sometimes not properly fitted. So I had some castor oil and I put some nutmeg in it (Karen again.. nutmeg is a good pain reliever) and every now and den I put the castor oil on de knee and de foot bottom and it does wuk good - I nevah try it pun meh heart fuh see if gun cure heartache !
And again you mix wid lil peppermint or eucalyptus fuh tek out de smell..dey didn't had mo' so I using de bottle to mix coconut oil wid nutmeg fuh use out de coconut oil..
And de coconut oil.. de clear one dat everybody raging about.. tek a spoon a day, pull wid it , rub pun yuh skin and suh. Well.. again.. when I had some dry skin and so.. de oil was good to clean the skin and heal it.
I have no scientific proof of anything. Some of dis oil is gift, some is bought and dere for awhile until I seh.. leh me rub pun me skin and see what happen.
And so far... all good.. and twenty years ago I would seh nah me, I doan need dem ting but suh it guh.
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