Letter sent to Women and Gender Equality Commission about Ansa McAl's Man's World..
Ansa McAl has engaged in sexist and racist advertising campaigns in Guyana and the Caribbean. The most recent bill board near me proclaims 'the man's beer, it is a man's world'.
I wrote a 'complaint' to the Women and Gender Equality Commission. They have agreed to engage Ansa McAl
Dear Commissioners
Re : Ansa McAl's misogynistic advertising campaign for 'STAG' beer
The private sector in Guyana has no controls on advertising. As Guyana strives for gender equality and for overcoming the violence and other forms of injustice manifested as part of that equality, Ansa McAl is pursuing a campaign for its Beer product which asserts “It's a man's world, Rule it responsibly”. One bill board is at the corner of David Street & Sheriff Streets .
Ansa McAl is known for the way in which portrays dominant masculinity and submissive femininity in the advertising of its alcohol products and in the way the marketing campaigns are held.
I appeal to the Women and Gender Equality Commission to call on Ansa McAl to recognise the need that it the world belongs equally to men and women and not to appeal to the negativity which drives the injustices against women . I appeal to the WGEC to encourage Ansa McAl to be responsible and to drop its sexist marketing of its alcohol products.
Your sincerely..
In Trinidad, wrote about a Gabrielle Hosein writes about a similar billboard.
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