Sixty or Eighty dollars...

Is a 45 bus which have a big sign dat say de fare fuh adults is $80 , but de conductuh who call me doc when he open de door fuh me give me back two $20 when I pay de far wid a $100.

I aint seh nuttin, but dat happen to me now and den. Some bus have sign dat say dat de fare is $80 and den you feel, well, you have to pay $80.

Odder bus, you give a hundred or more , and dey tek out $80. But once yuh travel often, yuh build up de $20 and well.. dey have time when I decide how fuh pay $60 or $80.

I does pay 4 $20 when I see de sign dat say is $80 fuh adults.. ah must try a ting a day and put on a school uniform and see what happen., because chirren in school uniform pay less. But when dey dont have a sign den I have some decision to mek because nobody sure really whuh is de fare.

I does pay my 3 $20 bill when I sitting wid 3 oddah people pun a seat dat mek fuh me and two odder. I does gie 3 $20 bill  when de bus driving too fast, when de music not to me liking or I hear de conductor cussing or de driver meking trouble. I does pay 3 $20 bill when I have to sling de door (fuh dose dat dont know.. sometimes dey have bus driver wid conductor license so dey dont have a conductor and if you end up in de seat near de door.. well.. you supposed to sling de door and still pay yuh fare. De legal minded would say yuh paying fuh a journey, not a seat.

BUT.. I does pay 4 $20 when I see de conductor nice to people and de driver talk polite to people. I does pay 4 $20 to de driver dat does ask me fuh comment about de state of de world or if ting get intellectual .. well you know.. not fuh conference and dem ting, but intellectual fuh de bus.

Dere is a lil ting where a bus man want me to write letter bout de hussle at de park and I friken fuh tek on dat.. because dis bus business got nuff nuff .. well mo intricacy dan chip chip sugar cake wid ginger which mek wid tiefin coconut. But I does give he conductor or he de 4 $20.

Fuhget dem complex philosophy question bout killing one man fuh save 5..  but $60 or $80.. dis is one kind of 'philosophy' decision dat aint gun happen anywhere else in de world.


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