Hanuman Chalisa Verses 9 & 10 explained (Extracted from HinduVoice UK)

[The Hindu Voice UK used to publish an e-newsletter at http://www.hinduvoice.co.uk. The publication included many interesting articles. There was a series which had some perspectives on the Hanuman Chalisa. I only saved the explanations of Verses 9 and 10.  
The author of this beautiful interpretation is unknown  ]

Insight into Verse 9
Vidyavan guni ati chatur
Ram kaj karibe ko atur
You are possessor of all knowledge, full of virtue and wisdom. You are
always prompt and eager to act in the service of Lord Rama.

One would initially think that this verse is simply repeating praises
of Hanuman that have already been stated. After all, the Hanuman
Chalisa has already praised Hanuman’s knowledge and his devotion to
Lord Rama.

But when analyzed in the wider context of the Ramayana, this verse
contains a formula that allows us to overcome the obstacles that we
come across in life. The verses of the Hanuman Chalisa often allude to
portions of the Ramayana. This verse relates to Hanuman’s presence of
mind that he displayed when taking the leap across the ocean to Lanka
to find Sita.

Presence of mind is being able to keep one’s attention on the task at
hand, and to act and react with agility of mind to overcome obstacles
that come in one’s way.

In life, most of us set well meaning goals in our moments of
enthusiasm but very few people actually succeed in accomplishing the
goals we set. This is because life throws a number of obstacles upon
us which eventually thwart our best intentions. Hanuman’s example
shows how to overcome all obstacles.

Hanuman’s great leap

As Hanuman leapt across the ocean to Lanka in search of Sita, he
encountered three great obstacles.

Obstacle 1

The first obstacle was “Menad Parvat” [check spelling]. The deity of
the mountain told Hanuman that his father had been very kind to them,
and as a mark of honour to his father, he would like Hanuman to come
and spend some time there. Hanuman said respectfully, with folded
hands, “Until I have done Ramachandraji’s work, I will take no rest.”

For many people who are engaged in an important task, our tendency to
rest inappropriately before the task is completed is a major weakness.
Furthermore, when we are honoured and treated politely, as Hanuman was
in this incident, most people would be coaxed to take time out from
our task for pleasure. Yet Hanuman, whilst maintaining courtesy, turns
down such an offer to stay focused on the task.

Obstacle 2

Later, Hanuman is confronted by a creature named Sursa – the mother of
snakes. She wanted to devour Hanuman for her food. Hanuman told her
that at the moment he is engaged in a very important task, and that
she should let him complete it. He explained to her Sita’s plight,
expecting Sursa to understand and let him go, but to no avail. He then
tells her that if she wants to eat him, she should just get on with it
and stop talking. Upon saying this, Hanuman made his body huge. Sursa
responded by making her mouth larger and larger. Hanuman continued to
make his body larger, while Sursa made her mouth equally large. All of
a sudden, Hanuman made himself very small, and entered her mouth and
came out before she could close it. He said “Mother, I entered your
mouth and you didn’t eat me. Now please can I go?” Sursa smiled and
praised his cleverness, calling him “Chatur”.

Sursa represents obstacles and conflicts that we may encounter in our
path to accomplishing our goals, which are unrelated to our main
mission, yet can take up a lot of our time and energy and cause
distraction, delay and failure. Hanuman did not get caught up in
fighting Sursa, but found a way to side-step her challenge. He
foregoes considerations of his ego and pride, made himself small, and
got out of the situation.

In my own life, I continuously encounter adversity which distracts me
from doing what I set out to do. For example, while researching
material on the internet for my articles, I often come across message
boards on which someone makes a disparaging comment about Hinduism. My
tendency initially was to go on the message board and start arguing
and debating with the person. This in itself is worthwhile, but in
these circumstances my arguments and debates actually prevent me from
completing articles on time. And in actual fact many more people read
these articles compared with the number of people who view the message
board arguments. Hanuman’s example is not to get caught up in side
battles and to stick to the task you set out to do.

Obstacle 3

The third great obstacle of Hanuman during his journey to Lanka was
the demoness Simhika. She was a sister of Ravana and dwelt in the sea,
controlling access to Lanka. As Hanuman was passing through the sky he
felt a force pulling him down. He was dragged into the ocean and saw
Simhika. Here Hanuman took a very different approach to overcoming
this obstacle. He instantly slew her. The reason why he slew Simhika
but not Sursa is that there was no way he could have passed Simhika
without fighting her. Therefore to achieve what he set out to do,
Hanuman had to remove her from his path – which he did rapidly and

Generally, obstacles and enmity that can be avoided should be avoided,
rather than for us to get caught up in dealing with them. However when
encountering an obstacle or situation that must be dealt with, which
leaving unresolved will thwart our progress, such obstacles should be
dealt with effectively and forthrightly, using whatever means

On an internal level, Simhika is said to represent jealousy. Jealousy
is quality that should not be entertained or tolerated in our hearts
even for a second. It drags us down and ruins us and others. Men and
women who are striving to achieve noble goals should guard against the
entrance of jealousy into their hearts, and should equally try not to
show off or act in a way that can invoke jealousy in others.

Jealousy is a perversion of admiration. Admiration tends to lift up
the individual to the level of that which he/she admires, but jealousy
drags everyone down. If we recognize jealousy in ourselves we should
slay it with the same speed and efficiency that Hanuman slew Simhika.
Being “Guni” is to have a character of such quality and caliber than
won’t tolerate bad qualities in oneself.

To summarise, great tasks in the service of a noble cause can be done
when one follows the messages of Hanuman:
1) AVOIDING OUR MOUNTAINS OF REST - When in the process of
accomplishing the goal, avoid unnecessary rest and comforts, including
offers that come from people who treat us with honour. Respectfully
turn such offers down like Hanuman, otherwise face inertia, delay and
2) SIDE STEPPING OUR SURSAS - Avoid “side battles” that distract us
and dissipate our energies away from our goal. Particularly issues of
pride and prestige that have nothing to do with the task at hand.
3) DEALING WITH SIMHIKAS WE ENCOUNTER - If an obstacle or adversary is
encountered which cannot be left alone or side stepped and is directly
blocking us from progress, deal with it fast and efficiently.
To many, this part of the Ramayana is the most likely to be fictitious
and unbelievable as literal truth. Yet the reason why the Ramayana is
so revered is because its mystical parables present us with astounding
layers of meaning that can be grasped by the subconscious mind.

Clearly, there are parts of this story which may not describe physical
reality. Yet they often describe timeless teachings and truths through
their symbolism. Hindu stories are complementary to Hindu philosophy,
and contain several layers of meanings. Pictures, imagery and stories
can often deliver meanings and messages in a way that standard
philosophical discourse cannot. Imagery has greater evocative power.
'A picture is worth a thousand words', the ancient proverb says, and
this may not be so far of the mark.

Insight into Verse 10

Prabhu charittra sunibe ko rasia
Ram Lakhan Sita man basiya
You are always keenly interested in listening to the glorious story of
Lord Rama. In your heart, Rama, Lakshmana and Sita are

“You are always keenly interested in listening to the glorious story
of Lord Rama.”

The qualities of Hanuman described in the explanation accompanying the
previous verse are very powerful. The question naturally arises; how
does one imbibe such dynamism?

In Hindu thought, one of the most important ways of developing
powerful virtues is to keep the company of the great. This does not
just mean physical company, but the company of their thoughts, their
lives and their qualities. We develop confidence and inspiration from
listening to the virtues of great personalities.

This is how Hanuman stays constantly inspired; by ever dwelling on the
glorious acts of Shri Rama.
The word “Rasia” has no direct translation in English. Implied is the
word “Rasia” is a sense of having distilled the essence and taking
great joy in it. Hence the verse indicates that Hanuman not only
listens to the story of Rama but has also understood its very essence
and message. When most people listen to the Ramayana and Mahabharata
they engage in a cursory reading, understanding only its surface. Only
when the stories are contemplated, discussed and studied with
reverence can the essence be extracted, and the true power enter into
our lives.

The Ramayana gives many timeless teachings to humanity. One of these
is to enable one to maintain dignity, calm, poise and principles in
all circumstances in life. Look at the highs and lows in the lives of
Rama, Sita and the other great characters. They experienced fortunate
circumstances beyond most people’s imagination alternated with
adversity and cruel fortune. Yet the characters maintained their
principles, composure and inner peace, and didn’t get carried away in
success or sorrow.
“In your heart, Rama, Lakshmana and Sita are well-established”

Our hearts are often dark like prison houses, which light cannot
penetrate into. How can the Divine enter our hearts? The Divine enters
only through the windows never threw the doors. He enters through the
ears, by listening to the great, noble and beautiful. The Lord enters
through the ears of the one who is constantly engaged in hearing the
qualities of the Divine. Therefore, being one who is always interested
in listening to the Ramayana, Hanuman has the Divine established in
his own heart. We can do the same. "

Amar Deep Ramayana Sangh singing from Sundara Kanda Chaupai 6 of the Shri Ramcharitmanasa where Hanuman meets Vibishana

(This piece has been reposted )


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