Encounter with a woman with a bottle in a bag

One of those weeks managing mental health and then a succumbing to a craving for carcass and carbohydrates and sugar.

So I go and sit down in the fry carcass place and mind my business. I had seen the bags in the seat opposite. Few people there. I face the wall.

Nice lady, sixtyish, portuguese mixed. Cap, tee shirt/blouse, skirt like so many women come up with a bag.

Nice smile.. I asked her if I should move. She says no.. no stay here.

She has umbrella, about three of four big zipped carrier bags of stuff and a black plastic bag with a bottle in it.

I seh mussee medicine. Lady smiling nicely. She go to the counter and come back with a straw.

I see the tip of the bottle and the red cork.. the Mackeson Stout cork. She smiling and looking at me and looking around and drinking from the straw.

Bottle in the bag all the time. I choke lil bit pun me carcass. I remember when de woman minustuh did seh how I musn't get involved in woman drinking and she did tink was arite fuh sell liquor to women at a woman empowerment event.

I know.. i does see pictures from america wid alcoholic drinking from paper bag.

I seh.. eh eh.. and I think of my loved women friends who drink dey ting out of de bag and post picture and status pun facebook.

I seh.. dat doan mek you drunk? She smile, not much teeth.. and seh .. nah.. dis good fuh you, is like guiness.

I seh.. oh, how much you does drink? She seh one a week. De bitters good fuh yuh

I seh man, boil some carialla bush.

She seh nah, dis good. I seh is nah fuh man alone? She seh no no, ladies could drink it.

I seh okay okay..  I guess de fry carcass place is not a place fuh liquor so she keep she bottle in she bag.

I seh, but why you have de bag? She seh.. oh, fuh keep it cold, I like it cold. I dont like it too cold. I seh oh yes, yuh gun get headache. She seh no no.. only if yuh drink too much.

She ask me if I like stout. I seh no no i doan drink. She ask why. I seh I gun behave bad.
She laff and seh nah you. You aint look suh. I seh serious.

She seh.. buy a chicken fuh meh nah?
I seh.. oh, nah, um.. she seh arite.
She ask me wheh I live. I seh Subryanville.  I ask she wheh she live.. she seh Ogle.. she waiting fuh crowd ease up before she go and ketch de bus.

I friken bad eye now.. yuh know.. when people look at yuh mout when yuh eatin. But she smiling and sipping from she straw and eyes all ovah. Just you know.. chilling out.

I ask wheh she does buy she mackeson. She seh.. supermarket. dey does have discount on Thursday fuh ol people.
And I vex, why I cyan drown in meh carcass and sugar and have nobody come and beg me fuh nuttin.

But den i feel bad and I seh, arite, come man, if you can buy so much carcass fuh yuhself and den fuh counter de bad eye

  So I get up.. I go to de counter.

I hear de gyurl dem at de back seh someting.. eh eh like she ketch a ting.


  1. Interesting ..and sad.. was reading about Prohibition-- women were traditionally the abstainers.. after the ban was lifted/repeal carried out- the manufacturers moved to include the large group of women by making drinking at home and private parties the main arena for drinking and also making it more readily available in supermarkets -- your blog allude to all those things. Another blogger commented that instead of banning we need to tackle why people feel the need to anesthetize themselves?


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