Waving coconut trees, cane juice and sun..

There is something about the trees waving against that kind of warm blue at the end of the day.. something about the coconut tree which dances in the wind at sunset.

Wellness is a journey . There is a desperate temptation to succumb to the desire to lie down and try to sleep.. but there is nothing more futile than trying to close your eyes and sleep when you are not sleepy even though you are fatigued.

The cane juice man is an excuse to go out in the sun and a cold cane juice from a lotha washed in a bucket of water with other lothas is a kind of reminder of a connection to the Universe which is not often seen.

I succumb to the sugar temptation.. the danger of having disposable income is that cane juice is followed by cold dark and dark and crunchy ice cream on the stick. Saying no is not one of the options now for coping.
This time around though as the mind whirls with dreams of things to do, and memories of things which have not been done and things which have not worked out.. there is no war really. An important lesson is to just be and to try to go through on the tasks. Thinking is difficult now so not thinking might be an easy thing.. but not thinking seems a cop out .

One lesson from the past.. is not to rest no matter how much there is a craving to just shut down. Controlling the mind is key but then sometimes, mind control becomes like a cage or box and maybe it is good to just let the mind wander and the thoughts go all over the place for a change. 

The day will pass and I will no longer regret that I have not been productive. There will be time to do the things which I could not do today. I will not curse myself for the sweet indulgence, or for succumbing to the desire to take a nap.  I will not worry about finding triggers as a way of thinking of cures but rather of ensuring that even as I fight the urge to rest that I maintain some activity like watching coconut trees waving in the breeze.


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