Segu :Maryse Condé

Segu is an African city whose people, the Bambara have to deal with Islam and Christianity and other foreign influences and changes.

Maryse Condé is a Guadelopean descendant of the Bambara

This book review has all the details . The book uses historical narratives and tells the story through African eyes.. African referring to  women, men, kings, servants, slaves, slave owners, mulatto, Christian, Muslim - Fulani, Bambara, Moroccan, Yoruba, Hausa, mixed, displaced .
There are mentions of slave rebellions and movements (Nova Scotia - thinking of Book of Negroes ) in other places.

Our protagonists move survive different travails.. adapting themselves to circumstances which are not always friendly to them. The women especially adapt to their own losses and find ways of surviving. Maryse  Condé brings history to life through the stories of ordinary people who are caught up in the various upheavals during the early 19th century. The book is worth the read.


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