Red Bull pun de red road..

De minibus jerk an' I jump out ah meh doze. De bush all roun, de road red in de moon and bus light. I hear a snap.. an' i look at de drivah.. an' de man drinkin' a Red Bull wid one hand an' steerin' wid he odder hand.

So.. circumstances mek I decide fuh tek a bus pun Georgetown up to Annai. I go to a nice service. Lady nice, seh, yes yes, I could get front seat. I seh, not bad. I mek sure I didn't eat or drink nuttin so meh stomach aint gun upset. It was since 2003 dat I went wid a bus in de night - wid a big bus.

A lady passenger ask me if I know who is de driver. I lookin roun too, because I see beer sharing out an' I hope dat de driver aint tekin a beer fuh de road.

All look nice.. dey start loading up. Den I hear some cuss from de man loading up and de man who turn out to be de driver (no beer- good).
Dey vex wid a Brazillian man who bring a delicate box. De man want de box stan' up and de loader man seh, whuh you tik dis is, aircraft?  And de Brazillian man wuking up he hand and mout.. and I sehin.. oh shoots.. like I gun gah fuh shut meh mout pun dis trip.

And I hear mutterings from de driver .. "dat is why I doan like dem , dey is trouble". A nice lady .. she seh arite, quiet down and den she manage fuh translate and calm tings down. It was amazing.
 I admire de Guyanese dem, dat live between French (Guiana), Suriname, Brazil, Guyana, Venezuela.. who know fuh talk English and fuh talk de odder language dem. Easy easy.. de nice lady calm de situation down. I admire she fuh duh.. but den when we had to wait fuh she suitcase, one hour.. I get lil vex. I ask she if she gun share out de tings . She laff and she she is used panty she got in deh.. I seh.. i could use fuh floor clath.. she seh nah nah is expensive one.

I hear de driver ask she if she want front seat. Meh breath stick in my neck. She seh nah.. she doan like front seat. I exhale happily because I is a gentleman an' if de nice lady want front seat den I would ah gie sheh..

an' den I find out why some people doan badder wid de front seat.

So we move off, driver face serious serious.. I in front seat trying fuh mek talk.    When we pun Vlissengen Road, driver seh, by now we should ah leff Linden. I tryin' fuh find out if is he is de owner. He is de owner. I feel lil arite.. if he is de owner den he gun be careful. Man open he food box and he eating wid one hand. Man got he cell phone answering.
He face serious.. he seh he used to wuk West Coast wid a small bus but de West Coast people doan like small bus. So he wukin de Lethem route now. He put on lil music from de flash drive.Nice music, mixed, soca, chutney, filmi mix, oldies.

Lady seh driver stop fuh she food.. de food smell nice nice -- hunger in my belly again. Driver mek lil joke and I feel relieve. Den we hit highway.. bus driver had to tun back fuh pick up anodda passenger - no complaints. So is late night now and we hedin' down. Road rough.. after Linden.. driver start gaffin .. we stop somewhere.
Music stop. We dozin. I see driver flashin' light wid he one han' and steering. I friken fuh ask is what he lookin fuh.

We stop. Driver seh flash drive fall down - an he come round me side and suck he teet when he find it pun de floor by me.

Man come out fuh use de urinals at de side of de road. An fuh tek a smoke. We guh back in, bus man vex, he seh dat dem Brazillian always wan stop .. dat one night he had one who s...ting de whole way up. I seh ow man, anybody could get belly wuk. I get lil fed up wid de xenophobia.. ah mean, is equal number of local and Brazillian travelling.
I could ah
1) pretend i have belly wuk and show dat local have belly wuk too.
2) give a lecture pun human rights an' come out de bus in protest
3) sit down and shut up an' continue

So we continue.. we reach Mabura. Driver throw water pun he face.. I get lil worried.. i hope de man not sleepy like me.  Pay de 1000 toll. Bus man seh dat it aint mekin no sense, dey aint fixing no road hey (Mabura). I aint seh nuttin.. because it look arite to me.

Bus man seh.. "one ah dem brazillian tek off deh shoes now." I seh "wah. how you know?" He seh, you aint smellin.. i shut meh mout. I aint smellin' nuttin , window open and breeze passin..

Den i notice bus man open a lil glass vial of sumtin.. he had a lil straw in he han'.  I lookin'.. i friken fuh ask because dis is really dark part ah de bush wheh de moon aint reachin. De man put dis lil straw and drink de ting. My eyes closing. I see tree fall pun de road, but bus man driving straight near dem.. and dey brushing de sides ah he bus an' de branch comin in de window and jukin me face.

De bus jerk up.. and den I see bus man drink de red bull. But.. at dat point.. I realise dat de man sitting straight up.. and he moving fast pun de graded road.

I seh.. Gawd.. I is in ur servant de bus man hands.

We mussee reach Kurupukari 3am or suh. Bus man lock he window and jump out de bus. De people behind me  snoring. Me aint ask nuttin like wheh we deh.

We rest, we wake up wid de sun.  I tinkin nice, I lookin fuh place fuh do meh surya namaskar, and den fuh tek lil caffee. Beep, beep. Bus man blow he horn. I run. We cross ovah. Bus man face lookin lil mo relaxed now.
Nice driving now, Road good.
I reach me junction.. Bus man stop lil way past. I seh yall drive good now. Bus man seh yeah yeah and he look straight ahead.


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