Gay men does blackmail yuh..

De man tell me dat he doan wan' nuttin fuh do wid gay men. Dey does blackmail yuh. He sit down and we gaffing one night at de Film Festival. He seh dat everybody should work for family - an' he got he child mother an' a son an' he gun married as soon as deh house finish buildin'. He say dat he disappointed dat I don't agree dat he should be living like dat - dat he an' his friend (who also gat a child mother and a child) - want to ensure dat dey have stable families but dat dey will indulge dey desires on de side. I ask about fidelity an' so.. an' de man laff an' seh, nobody dese days faithful an' yuh cyan trust nobody. He seh dat he doan want nuttin' to do wid no gay man because he cud get blackmail - dat gay man wud go an' tell an' suh. He say he suprised dat odder men would not want to do de same ting, to provide for a family while being on de down low.

De odder man ask me who I living wid. I say wid my parents. De man look at me in shock - he tink dat I was doing all dis film festival ting an' so on because I wanted to promote dat love was possible an' dat people could live in same-sex loving relationships . I know we talk about equality for LGBT people.. in access to health care, justice, social services, work, housing, etc.. but like I fuhget de most important ting.. de right to love and be loved (to quote Mr Cooper).


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