we need rigging

I need to clarify some statements I made about rigging of our national elections. We in the ruling party have been confused as you rightly know since that night in November - it is too painful for some of us to remember when we realised that something was wrong and that we were actually winning or losing the elections.

Comrades.. as many of you have indicated in rum shops and pussur pussur way.. you were not going to vote for us.. and we deliberately set cussdeo out to ensure that everybody get a cussing up.

It was a confusing day - many of our polling agents reported that they were being harassed and we had to let them know that Kwome, Otinga and the 14th disciple of Jesus - were actually working for us and not the traditional opposition as in the old days... and that the bombastic intimidation tactics were meant to harass opposition voters, not our voters. We therefore realised too late that our voters did not want to vote because they felt intimidated by these former opposition agents who were using intimidation tactics who got confused.

We tried to send out our party agents to correct this misconception but then we also got confused as to who our real party agents were, and who were the opposition ones since we had a lot of cross over candidates.

Comrades, so that is confusion number one to clear up and we now clear it up.

Secondly..  some of us said voter apathy and how we have to fix things up and do grass roots work. That is stupid.. I do not agree. Our experienced polling agents told us that we had not 52% or 54% but 53% of the vote.. yes.. in fact we had a landslide victory.  Why 53%.. well 53 is the first prime number after 50% and that is a good number for us to work with.. to believe in .. it is solid, cannot be broken down into any factors.

So we know that 53% is the number we intended to get.. but unfortunately.. something got wrong in the communication and the jumbie votes did not come in properly...and the confusion about who is to intimidate who and so on.. well things got mixed up.

Comrades.. we need rigging to keep us going in these rough and unchartered waters. Without rigging as you know, we cannot move forward. Rigging is needed and I cannot see how my party could ever govern without rigging. Comrades, we all know that ships need their rigging in order to move forward.. and we need rigging to do the same.


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