the barbers, Obama, gays, God and humans

The last time I was in the barber shop, the barbers started talking about how they hear that Guyana have to enforce gay rights. It was the two barbers, me, another customer on the chair, and another man waiting. The barbers had several concerns about gay rights.. one was concerned that it would mean that a man could feel him up, and he could do nothing about it. He also said that gay rights will make the gay men come out more, make them more bold and he did not want no big strong man ssiping him off. I said ah,, you must understand what women must feel like. He said yeah, yeah -  he does not agree with what happens.
He said that it is against the Bible.. so I ask him if follows the bible all the time - he said no.. he said that problems will come to Guyana if Gay rights come on.the customer say he aint got no problems with nobody. I ask the barber about what about Brazil, US, Canada, Europe.. he say that them countries have Earthquake and financial crisis and nuff nuff disaster.. Guyana does not have any disaster..

My barber is a Jehovah Witness and said that homosexuality is against the Bible. I said, what about those of us who do not believe in the Bible. The other barber said which religion allows gay rights.. I said mine does.. he said nah, he dont believe me, I said I can email you the text of the scriptures.. he seh nah nah.. he aint want to see nuttin wid no gay man ting in it.

This week President Obama sent out his memo to all the agencies to work to ensure LGBT rights in the countries where they live, and when Hilary Clinton spoke eloquently in Geneva about how gay rights are human rights, human rights are gay right
 I thought about all of those who would say that God is sending wrath down on the United States and the Obama Administration. I could imagine all the religious calls to hold on to faith and culture and resist 'Western ideas' . This of course happening in a week, after the elections, when human rights is part of the national agenda .

Ethnicity and racial allegiances are part of the undercurrent of the political power playout. There is no idealogical differences really between the parties, except of course for how they intend to accept or deny or pretend that race/ethnicity is part or not part of the power problem. As a result, other issues get lost.. like the fact that a PPP MP to be, recently assaulted a woman ; and that there are others who have been accused of molesting women and children who remain prominent in the Government.  There will not be any large marches calling for justice for the women and children. One wonders if all of the political parties would have been hiding their abusers so they are careful not to speak out because everybody probably has secrets, and the abuse of women and children take second place to economic boycotts.

So.. the 10th December, another day for human rights, and for us to understand what it means to be human and how we deal with this human diversity. It will be interesting to see whether Guyana would continue to think inclusive means, inclusive on race only; or whether it would include the other parts of being human such as sexual orientation and gender identity.


  1. First two paragraphs- hilarous-- only in Guyana-- you'll like The Sly Company of People Who Care.


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