battyman, pope, battyman, mathematics

So the shine bus come at Church Road and I open meh ears to listen fuh de music. Is an oldish rasta man driving, so i cross meh fingers.. hoping dat no dutty music. Is nice low music, reggae tunes. I hear something about battyman and meh hackles rise. The man in the front seat talking loud. Razor is battyman he seh, dat Bible mek man and woman and dat man have beard and dat razor is a battyman invention to mek man into boy again. I seh is a good ting I dont use razor, I use clipper. De driver look like he gat a few straggly hairs pun he face. I aint see the girl face in de middle seat fuh know whedder she have hairs pun she face or what.

We reach David Street to turn into Alexander.. den I hear how Battyman rule de world, de pope is de head battyman who rule de world. So I saying.. right right, this is like the kind of mad talk.. except that the driver and the girl like they listening. Den by Kitty market.. de man seh dat black people get affliction. I seh okay.. de man seh dat indian and amerindian born because of every time black people transgress. So I wonder which black man transgress when I born.. he seh dat greed and battyman politics consume people and dat is why black people suffering will continue. He say dat de Bible say dat Ethiopia will reach out her hands. The driver answer back.. and it seem like he believing.

Then we hear dat battyman religion tekin over de place and dat Rasta was de chosen. De man seh dat nevah mind Jesus and Allah, dat Selassie I is the call and dat de Bible say dat is de Chosen Few, not de chosen millions. I look up at the bus roof.. dey have two picture of the white joseph, mary and baby jesus. De driver have Psalm 121 dangling from he rearview mirror.

The man seh dat battyman education is in de schools.. dat the teacher is within you. I nod meh head. He seh dat school cannot teach you nuttin, yuh have to listen to mother nature.. I seh to meh self arite now.. I know is de result of a transgression but dis man meking sense now .

De man get a vibe I listening.. and he look at me , an turn back in front an' continue ... dont worry, de world is rule by mathematics.. I seh wow.. good, de Driver sehin yes, i aint hear de girl.. but she lookin' straight ahead.
We deh in Regent Street now, an' he seh he gat 7 children, an he look aftah dem. he seh he aint seh children aint ask fuh mek, dat parents gat fuh mind de children and not de odder way roun. he cuss up bout how some black people aint know fuh mek children an' dat is part of de curse. However. he seh dat de Good Lord mek dese people to bring de curse so dat peole could learn. So jealous people come so dat black people could learn about jealousy; and so on.

De man hail up a lady pun de road.. so dis is not a mad man like I tink. Dis man know people and people know he. He lower he voice.. I hear someting about he chinee fren.
We reach de market now.. he come out nuff hailing up all over to different people. And he eye and me eye mek four and he also raise he hand and seh right man, right man.


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