I am not the best-suited presidential candidate ...

Many of you have not heard me speak because I have been overshadowed by my soon to be predecessor.. well okay, we dont know when he willl become my predecessor./

But people are saying that I am the best-suited presidential candidate. Comrades, that is an insult to me.

I have taken pains to wear my red shirt.. everywhere.. may day rally, congress, martyr memorial, other memorial, everywhere.. i have short sleeve red-shirt, long sleeve red shirt. I do not wear suits.. how can I be the best-suited candidate? I have thought about making a red kurta but i understand that might send the wrong message to some people, so I will wear a white kurta and have a mala with red flowers.

Comrades.. in the rum shop, out of the rum shop, in your prados, in your donkey carts, in your palaces, in your shacks.. No person who claims to walk in the grass roots can do so in a suit..burra burra and razor grass will damage the suit. I cannot afford as yet to have to get a new suit every time I go to mingle with the real people of Guyana.

When I am given a chance to speak, I will let you know my closet policy. I hope to make my soon to be predecessor a roving Ambassador for Guyana's Fashion.. he travels far and wide and I think that he personally can wear our local fashion and carry it further than any of those beauty queens.

I hope to also commission red shirts for all my Ministers and like Comrade Burnham before me.. I will discourage suits and ensure that red shirts are worn to show unity and harmony. However, I will not have a problem if there are different kinds and costs of red shirts to take account of the different economic classes .. but the point will be to remind those of us - especially in the rum shops -  of where we come from and that when we get drunk and see Red, we will not cuss up and behave bad.
Long live the Party!


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