Comfort, contentment and idleness...

The man ask on his Facebook "Soliciting thoughts on what Khalil meant by "comfort" in the quote

"Verily the lust for comfort murders the passion of the soul, and then walks grinning in the funeral." — Khalil Gibran (The Prophet)" and I fall into the trap when I should be doing some difficult work related to earning money so that I could have this thing called comfort.

Another friend shared this TED Talk on vulnerability .
Last night on the seawall, another friend talked about wanting to come back to Guyana.. she happy to be here and to find the opportunities never mind the crap which make us uncomfortable.

Comfort for me is scary.. it brings up memories of comfort zones, of adjusting to the environment, of becoming comfortable and then forgetting that things could change. I remember thinking of how I sat in this nice chair in my office at GuySuCo and thinking how nice it was.. how I adjusted to the light coming in ; how I was glad to receive the salary and then becoming scared of change.. and then I hauled my lazy ass up and quit the job for great uncertainty.

I see some people who are comfortable.. reluctant to defend the status quo, to accept the things which are crap or saying that they can do nothing to change it - and thinking of all those freedom fighters who now have nice jobs, houses and have put on weight from all the good food. And also thinking of the man who quite everything a few weeks ago to come to Guyana.... against better advice and who also realised that Guyana was not for him, but the courage was that he needed to do something different.

I am thinking of another friend, intelligent guy who I wish would break out of his comfort zone.. who hinted that his business was doing well and he wanted to find a way of getting out there and doing something else.. I know it is all talk but I don't have a  meter to measure the passion of his soul or my soul.

The Ramayana lists contentment as a virtue, being contented is a form of devotion.  Is it possible to be contented without being comfortable? Are the two the same? I aint know, but I like that I am now contented with being able to make myself vulnerable and to push new boundaries and to connect with people in the strangest ways . I am contented that there is an exchange between me and the Universe.. that is good, and last night, with the nice sunset and the high waves on the seawall ..  the hard concrete and the night reminded me that sunsets and nice waves don't last forever.

Idleness though.. I am conscious that this Tuesday morning I have work to do.. but heck.. but God good to me, I can write this now and then pay later when my work nearing its deadline and I aint finish it.


  1. Everytime I read the papers and I see a molested child, an abused parent, a dead person, robbery, crime and the list goes on... I'd love to down my pen, kick my chauvinistic boss in the balls while spelling out I Q-U-I-T and get infront of Parliament,then min of social security and the like threatening to starve to death if things dont get better.

    but...granny, mommy aunty etc awaits small piece every month, bills to pay, child to feed etc.

    In the end I mumble to myself while feeling like a sacrificial lamb for my family.

    im scared!!!


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