Brokeback Mountain, Night Cap and young Guyanese

Tonight I was reading the Brokeback Mountain story while drinking hot chocolate. 

The Russian Embassy compound has always been this weird space to some of us residents in Subryanville.. given that usually people's fences had spaces in them and you were able to see their gardens and bottom houses and so on. A few months now, there was a sign board talking about Night Cap coming soon and you wondered whether it was going to be a members only thing or what - that kind of mysterious thing in the walled up compound.

I saw the ad on Facebook and went the first night they opened. My friend and I played Scrabble , and the first night blues meant that my hot chocolate was cold by the time it arrived.. the staff are hospitable enough. I had seen the Anne Proulx book there and thought to go back to read the famous story.
Meanwhile.. Guyana Chronicle gives it a nice review
So tonight, I go back.. one of the guys remembers me even though it is over a week and it was a short time. The hot chocolate comes quickly and it is hot .. and I get the book and sit down and chill out - There is a strong smell of something cooking.. and the owner Candace Charles is stirring a fancy looking pot.. Turkish Coffee she says, it has to boil a long time. Ms Charles' enthusiasm is a draw - seen  here in this Capitol News story

The staff is young, and courteous and conscious about good service - while the 'sir' thing irritates me - it is good to see that there is some intuitive desire on the part of the staff to make sure that people come back.  After I drink the hot chocolate here, I went down to the Theatre Guild One Act Festival.
Here again, with mostly young people who are working on their dreams and realising some of them.


  1. lol I was tempted to say 'Sir' just to irritate you :-), I'm really sorry about the cold cup of "hot" chocolate you got the first time.. Oh I'm about to print this and paste it up on our board !



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