The Importance of Sugar to Guyana

Comrades, first of all thank you for coming here today to this place built by the same people who built the ultramodern sugar factory. I have a busy schedule this Christmas and I could not come to your individual places to bring you the good news that I will save your Christmases.

Comrades, first of all, it is a lie that this government is not concerned about sugar. The Ministry of Health has embarked on an ambitious diabetes programme because there is just too much sugar in the population, and we have taken a national policy to reduce the glucose levels in the population. Furthermore, we are interested in sugar because my friends in the drugs.. I mean pharmaceutical industry will sell lots of sugar tablets and insulin and so on to us in Government and elsewhere.

Comrades, you know that i never fail to take an opportunity to cuss back those who want to cuss me. To all those sour old men who still want to talk about struggle and working class and sugar workers.. i tell them, go to the nearest free diabetic clinic and test your sugar. See if your sugar is high and if we should keep sugar viable. To those of you sour old men who can still take sugar, get rid of your sour views, go and eat some of the sugar which is around and then you would appreciate this
Comrades, contrary to the views of the sour old men who talk about how long they been struggling, we too know about struggle. People have criticised me for having my choice for president in Waiting running around the place with me. Well he is struggling with a weight problem - and I resent those of you calling him santa claus - , he knows about struggle, and I have to keep him busy or else he might get sugar and dead before he become President.

Comrades, I am respectful of the elderly,  I went with my hat in my hand and money in my pocket to meet those sour old men . But they not interested in that, instead they want to use you to further their own political agenda. Oh yes, I know, we have always used you.. but you know what I mean.

Comrades, this payout is strategic because we know it is Christmas and all the private sector has been doing is complain complain complain about how things bad so I had to find a way to get them to make some money.

I expect you to take the money and do the following :-

- buy your rum from legitimate dealers who pay the VAT and not the smugglers.
- buy your other consumables made and sold by our new found friends from China, so that at least they can get back some of the money which they spend on the sugar factory and other things and when you finish, we will find somewhere to dump next month
- spend it out so that we can reclaim at least 20% of it back in the VAT which next year I will ensure you get back as part of my gift to you next year.. what? Oh right right.. I will not be here next year to give you gift, but santa claus will be here.

Comrades, you are important to this Government. We are a Government of working class people - we work very hard for you.. some of us had fore parents who stopped cutting cane a long time ago, I don't know why you people still insist on doing that when we have so many other opportunities available for you in the other economic sectors like ahm, ahm , ahm.. you know,,, the things which you used to do when there was no work in the eighties and so on

Comrades, I want to wish you all a merry christmas and a Prosperous, Peaceful and Productive new year.  Some of those sour old men would say that the history of the Party's idealogy never included Christmas but too bad for them.


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