spoil milk..

The minibus driver asked a lady if she would move from the jump seat near the door because she was slowing up the flow of passengers. The lady said no, she has rights and she comfortable where she sit down. The driver start grumbling and there was back and forth.

A little later on, another passenger ask him if he still vex, and the driver say no, no use crying over spoil milk , that he done wid duh.

Sunday night on CBS, they had a 60 minutes interview with people who had the Gift of Endless Memory. One of the woman, Louise Owen, said that while it could be a blessing, this memory means that all the bad things could also be remembered.
"When asked if her extreme memory is a good thing and if she's glad she has it, Owen said, "I am. I mean, sure, there are times when it's difficult. But I feel like it makes me live my life with so much more intention and so much more joy."

Asked what she means by "more intention," Owen said, "Because I know that I'm gonna remember whatever happens today, it's like, all right, what can I do to make today significant? What can I do that is gonna make today stand out?" 

 According to the neuroscientists on the show, people tend to remember things when adrenalin is present.. so maybe all the trauma, the bad things, the quarrels.. the "spoil milk" are more easily remembered than the good things which happen.

However, Louise Owen hit on another thing about living in every day, moment to make it memorable for her and not painful. For us though, we would probably forget those moments, and remember those which are associated with adrenalin rushes.

Does it apply for us , this living in the moment and working with it to turn the moment into something which is good, and therefore would not last in our limited memories?

In recent times as I manage my mental health, I recognise that I have to be active in dealing with all the feelings which slow me down. The craving for sweet has to be managed, and I not doing too badly.  Recently, I had to move from a space which was full of loud shrill voices which sometimes I could ignore or join in with, and go and sit down alone and hold a warm cup of ginger tea.  This was good for me.. it was either that or sit down and not move and just sink lower and lower.

There is a difference between the movement of the mind and the body which is fatiguing.. like if you are wrestling or fighting or battling.... and the movement of the mind and the body which is a bit more purposeful and which could be relaxing.  Instead of struggling with the thoughts about the things which should be done and plans which are not being fulfilled, it is better to rest the mind for a bit and then take things one at a time and do the mundane like make a cup of tea.
The times when you feel like not moving, are the good times to get up, to move in ways which could bring rest, to relax tensions and ease muscles and stress. The last couple of mornings I felt like I could not complete the surya namaskar routine, and I gave myself the time to do it and the body stretched and started moving on its own almost.

The end of year blues always creep up since the desire for solitude has to be suppressed in favour of other realities and obligations. Living in the moment though, means that things could work out well and that I will enjoy and treasure the moments of solitude when they come up, even as I fulfil the obligations to the universe. Detaching myself from the desire for solitude is a good thing.
Hopefully, there will be not much 'spoil' milk and instead lots of good moments which will not be memorable for everyone during this season.


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