Hanging on by a thread..

There were hundreds of people watching. The elastic on my bukta failed me and my bukta was slipping down. It was after the Diwali Motorcade. I was walking in a hurry and doing the itching thing to pretend I had an itch while trying to pull up the damned bukta from outside and from the pockets of the short pants .. Dear reader, have you ever had that experience with the waist of your underwear hanging low.. how on earth do them guys wear their jeans hanging down half way?

Elastic fails you sometimes. It is not the elastic fault, it was giving the signs of stretching. But this was a nice set of white bukta with green stripes which I had bought years ago, and the colour is still nice and cheerful. I stupidly forgot what happens when you walk fast.. I know the elastic was going and I should not have worn these, but.. it stood out there, in the drawer and wanted to be worn.

This is what lust does to you, it blinds you to the faults of the loved thing. So, I hope that the elastic would last out, and that my hairy body would act as kind of friction, velcro thing.. to hold it. One woman told me recently about how love is also cherishing the imperfections  of the loved one,  well.. as in some love affairs, it just does not work out and my hairy body was not enough to keep either the bukta or the loved one attached.

I am contemplating a safety pin now, but .. I remember another time with another favoured bukta when the safety pin opened and juk me in my waist. This bukta's karma is to become another rag.. and I know, that it can continue to be useful to me

So.. you have to let go.
But.. I have another fake Nike short pants. It is made of some nice cottony soft material and it is cool and comfortable.. I have had it for about 10 years now. The fake stitching held up.. but the elastic also stretch out. Fortunately, there is a drawstring. I can pull the drawstring a bit tighter as it slackens or I learnt. But, recently the fake stitching on the waist fell apart and  the pants was half hanging by the thread and I kind of had this draw string exposed under my belly.

So I found some black thread and stitched things up.. so this nice beige fake Nike shorts.. it is wearable, it will last longer though the waist look like ants running on it with the black stitches. I hope nobody spray Baygon on me.. or try to pull down my pants in their haste to save me from being bitten. (Well okay, it depends on who is shortsighted enough to rush to pull down the pants to save me from being bitten from those nasty ants.)

I wonder , if I had tried with some of my love affairs to put lil thread and so on to patch up, if the love affairs would have continued. But then, unlike the old short pants, maybe the love affairs did not get more comforting with age, and just were not worth saving.


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