Sir, why you not married and don't have children?

One girl asked why I was not married and why I did not have children, and another girl wanted to know if I had a girlfriend.

The times are different and one of the challenges we face is this post-colonial dilemma of how we educate children. It has been a pleasure working on the Bishops' High School Lower Sixth Programme.. and while I might be perturbed at the legacy of the regimentation, and rules, today as one of the students pointed out.. the school is clean compared to others and there are a variety of activities to participate in.

(So big question, do we need to be whipped and enslaved so that we could keep our environment clean?)

The students have amazing talent and creativity, and it is interesting to learn of their perspectives. One of the aims is to encourage open and honest communication, in a respectful environment .. so as we ask the students to discuss things which they do not, we also encourage them to ask what they want to know of us.

So instead of wanting to know of my academic achievements or career or anything of the sort.. I got the two questions.. and I had to answer. I said 'I dont know" to the first, and to the second I said "No, neither do I have a boyfriend"


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