The revolution continues...


There continues to be rumblings by sour opposition people about the fate of some old buildings in Georgetown. Like City Hall. Comrades, most of you go past City Hall without bothering about it. These colonial buildings are a legacy of our ugly past.

We are a peaceful country. Rather than do as the Taliban did and bomb the Bamiyan Buddha, we instead are refusing to waste our money on maintaining colonial legacies. Forget all this nonsense about how tourists are coming to Guyana to see old buildings. They can see the touched up pictures and videos of them on the Internet.
Our tourism strategy is to have casinos and sex tourism.. in fact, our Ministry of Tourism is dedicated to ensuring that our beauty pageants are of a high enough standard to attract tourists to Guyana. We are not completely philistine. We will ensure that people who visit the new Marriot will be given free tours of the Red House.. and that people who lose at the Casino will not leave disappointed - we will give them free copies of what's his name's autobiography.. something on Trial..

Some of you middle class people who live in old crumbling houses want us to retain those legacies which propped you up. No. Let them who want to keep these buildings repaired do so, who do they think we are that we would be cursed to be spending money in perpetuity?
 But. we are not going to be aggressive about it, we will do as happened to the old New Amsterdam hospital. We have a new hospital, and we just let the old one quietly fall to pieces.

That is our intention. We are continuing the post-colonial legacy of ensuring that all those colonial imperialist western things like our education system , the civil service, the police force, the Garden City, and those national institutions.. all of those things will gradually fall apart and we will emerge finally free from the shackles of our colonial masters.

Comrades, it is not true that we have received an offer from an investor to turn City Hall into a Casino, and we know that some people are eyeing up the Parliament Buildings which is also in prime location for a Casino (I know some of you say why not.. nothing much happens there any ways)

Some of you are thinking that this is a last ditch effort for us to get rid of the Mayor.. that if the City Hall collapses around him, then he will have to move out. Those are not true. The crumbling City Hall is a symbol of our victory, a celebration of our independence and our sovereign status.

The revolution continues, Long Live the people of Guyana!


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