
The email from the nice lady said that there was a mistake in the budget totals. I had put the wrong formula on the Excel Spreadsheet and the budget is out by 2700 Euros.. so.. something has to be cut.

One of the women volunteering with Help & Shelter has two cases she is dealing with - a 15 year old girl who has a mental disability who is continually raped and whose mother does not know how to cope with educating her.. and a 13 year old boy who is being abused by a man claiming to be his father.

I have to cut the EU budget.. the money I put in for counsellors and so on is already tight and low, many of the consultants in the Government and development workers and M&E specialists I know would never work for such pittance.. or would work for the pittance and take the perks

Another woman who is the sole breadwinner for her family, is trying to keep a 13 year old girl and 11 year old boy off the road and in safety.. the girl was put out of her class because she had no money to finish the assignment, her neglectful parents have not been charged , the girl asks why is she the one being moved around and not the parents, and the grandparents who she lives with who are pensioners, apparently the Government does not think the grandparents need public assistance..  Another email asks if I could take this over- organise the care plan and the various things.. go to try to get the Government to give the public assistance and to get the school to know that the child is poor that putting her out of the class means another one lost.. and probably trying to get the parents jailed.. the relevant agency apparently cannot deal with this anymore.. and the Government will not pay the social workers or hire enough to deal with the problems
How the hell can I say no.. even though there is paid work due over the next two weeks?

Any money I have in the budget for community workers has to be cut too, because Help & Shelter cannot raise the counterpart funds for this project.. we have some promises and things are shaky.. 

There is another email exchange asking if we could try to counsel a 15 y ear old girl who has run away from home.. we have someone we could to do that.. at least until the current funding runs out

There is another email.. could I ask whichever Government person to follow up on the white zone which President Jagdeo promised at some place where he was talking.. I was not there, but which Government person is responsible for that?

In another email , a woman who joined a particular agency and who I think  had the best interests of the children at heart, she tells me she has resigned.

I met Marcelline Basdeo when she was a Miss Guyana contestant.. and now I am hoping that her children are safe somewhere.

The budget for the project, the one project we have does not cover enough transportation.. so we hope that we get people who live close to the pilot communities to work there.

I spend the morning looking at the emails.. with the hundreds of children who, because they have not died, whose stories are not heard, the doctor friend is horrified at how many children come into her ICU with attempted suicide
@hen I think of people who tell me that they want to do so much like click on Facebook links and sign online petitions or fit in the volunteer time with their gym.. and who could not join our protest because people would laugh at them.. or the sun too hot and then tell me how I am doing good work , keep it up..

Somewhere in the list of emails, are a few asking about the work I actually get paid to do, or could get paid to do.

Two men this week though, asked what could they do... and I think they mean it. Some of this I probably not supposed to talk about, but the silence oppresses me even more and we will die anyway as Audre Lorde said.


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