Emancipation message from President Marriot

Comrades, on the 25th Anniversary of the emancipation of the soul of Founder Leader Burnham  from this earthly existence, I take this opportunity to talk to you about what is happening while waiting for my boarding call.

Some people continue to criticise my decision to sell my house, and they want to know why I am building hotel. Well, I have decided that on my frequent visits to Guyana in the future, I will have  a Presidential Suite at the hotel which would be better than having a whole house. Those of you with houses know that it is not easy to keep a house, especially if is you alone. Thank you for your concern.

This Government has built more hotels than any other Government and it will be our legacy. We know that some of the hotels are being boycotted by certain funding agencies because of their imperialist colonialist stance on drug dealing and so on, but too bad for them, because our friends will use these hotels and they will make huge profits.

Some of you have protested my decision to welcome some Buxtonians at State House. Yes, soup was on the menu. I did not go to Buxton because my security advisers cannot make up their minds whether it is safe for me to go. The last PPP/R leader to be honoured in Buxton was , what is his name again.. Jagan, and he was dead at the time. I hear though that I can go to the passa passa dance at Church of God Road. I welcomed the protest outside State House, because protest is a sign of democracy and as you know, I am very democratic... but yall should not get vex when I answer back the protestors. In fact, I wanted to send some food for dem too, but at State House I have banned styrofoam boxes and I had to split the wares in half wid de wife so there are no extra wares.

Some of you racial people have asked when I will be inviting Annandale and Lusignan to State House fuh lil food. There is no need to do that. I am not running for a third term and in any cases, the votes for my successor (I hope they sort it out soon because I have places to go, things to do, people to see) are assured from these places.

Comrades, I also could not go to all the various August Monday celebrations because I do not have anyone to wash or iron those dashikis which I take out once a year. I sent the PM instead and the Minister for culture because both of them have people to organise their wardrobes.

Welcome to all of the OBGs who are visiting at this time. I know some of you will complain about mosquitoes and things like that in  your put on accents.
We know that many of you are impressed with the improvements here and with the range of cheap consumer goods, many from China which your remittance money can purchase for your few relatives who are still here.
You would notice that I do not go on with that dollar a year nonsense, I prefer for you to stay where you are so that you could send the money and every time you visit, you help manny wid his tourist arrival numbers. He is so eager with the numbers, but I have had to beg him to discount my own frequent arrivals in the interest of integrity and transparency. Imagine ,  a girl came up to ask me to do one of those visitor surveys at the airport.

Comrades, I have heard that some of you have been inflicted with shivers and fever. There is no outbreak of any flu or anything like that here, only HIV since we can get money for HIV.  I know that my plans for you have generated so much feverish excitement and that is the reason for all those tremors of anticipation you are experiencing.

They have just called for me to board or they will leave without me and take my bags off the plane. With all the terrorism news from Guyana, I do not to be renditioned on your behalf.  Long live the people of Guyana - both the dead and the living.


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