The place is cold, the wind cold and I have on jumper. The bus is 1:15am so I decide to walk around 8th Avenue. I see DVD Explosion. I go in. Nice Indian man, I would cal him Uncle if I had to, say Hello Sir.. and another one looking at me. I ask if they have Maurice, he say 'let me check sir' and he say 'no sir'. I look around. I see section at the back mark Adult, so I fast and I go in.. and wander around. They say these cases empty, dont tief. Then I see Rainbow Flag and I want to know what Gay Pride flag doing here and I realise that my Uncles have put up the Flag where they have the 'Male Films'. The Lesbian Films are not near the Gay Pride flag.

Then I walk around and see Peep Show, and then I see the sign with NO WOMEN ALLOWED. It say Peep Show. So I bravely go where no woman has never dared to go. I go up . They have some men standing around.. oh this is what the Christian people does talk about. But I see a bald headed Cousin, he have broom and mop and a wad of money in his hands. He walking up and down. A sign say that if you need change, you can go to this man , the cashier. My Cousin it seems makes sure that any body who goes into the booth.. pays the money.. he knock on door and say.. Put Money In, Put Money In.

So.. my Uncles and Cousin are big supporters of Gay Liberation. They have to be nice to men who they hope will "Put Money In". my Uncles and Cousin though, believe that Gay Liberation, means NO WOMEN ALLOWED. I wonder where they get the flag. And they dont believe in relationships either, since NO COUPLES ALLOWED.

Across the road, I end up in a Subway and sit down and drink a drink. Another Cousin, there he ask me where I from and I wished I had the map. But I say Chandrapaul and he know immediately what I talking about, if not where. He from Bangladesh. He serving men and women though.


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