Resignation from the Rights of the Child Commission

22 April, 2010

Hon Hari Narayen Ramkarran SC MP
Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Guyana
Parliament Buildings

Dear Sir

I hereby submit my resignation from the Rights of the Child Commission. Please convey this decision to the National Assembly.

I believe that I have a different framework of principles from the National Assembly in terms of how the work of the Commission should be conducted.

In 2009, there were allegations of child maltreatment made against Mr Kwame McKoy, the representative of the Ministry of Human Services on the Commission. I believe that these allegations are serious and warrant an appropriate intervention from the National Assembly and the Ministry of Human Services to ensure that the allegations are resolved. I believe that any Commissioner facing such allegations should also recuse themselves from the activities of the Commission pending the investigation and resolution of the allegations.

The first meeting of the Commission was conducted without any resolution from the National Assembly of the allegations against Mr McKoy, who was present at that meeting.

Furthermore, I have recognised there will be non-threatening lobbying influences and other forms of attempts to influence my actions while conducting the work of a Commissioner. While I might be able to negotiate and resist the non-threatening influences, I do not believe that I would be able to resist any influences which I might perceive as threatening to any aspect of my well being. I can find no mechanism provided by the National Assembly to deal easily with such influences.

The work of the Rights of the Child Commission is important, and it is my intention to continue to do as any citizen to support the Commission in fulfilling its objectives.

Yours sincerely

Vidyaratha Kissoon

Clerk of the National Assembly
Administrator, Women's Affairs Bureau
Chairperson, Rights of the Child Commission
Deputy Chairperson, Rights of the Child Commission


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