Winin' slow, Winin' slow..

The minibus was full.  The man say his baby mother say she feeling the pain, but he cyan't help it because he have nuff woman and that she got to win' in different styles. I say let me keep an open mind, after all, this is the music of the masses. This was Regent Street and Vlissengen Road corner.

I at the back of the minibus, last seat near the corner, my ears press against the glass. The speaker is there, just by me. So I can hear word for word, the song.. my head kind of move on to other things, but I know I hear the man instructing he woman how to win'. I dont even know if is a song really. All kind of people in the bus

We turning into Barr street and I get fed up, because all I hear is the stupid man saying win' up and win' down or something like that. So from my corner at the back of the bus, I say 'Conductor' my waist cyant tek dis win'in no moh, put on lil gospel now nuh? The conductor look at me and laugh and two ladies in front kind of glance back like dey want to know if my head not good.
I then say 'or put on some coolie music den now'.. the driver take off the music and then by Alexander and Pike, he say okay okay, he have music fuh everybody and he put on some slow love song. I say good, from the back corner of the minibus.. I learn that is a good corner to sit down and upset the status quo because the whole bus gat to hear you talking.. (nuff drunk man does sit down deh)

A man on the bus who mouth smell like liquor say .. is you name Kissoon, from am ..aahm.. I say .. yes, the mad house.. he say no man no.. that woman place.. i have a case to report to you of a man beating he wife and putting out he child..
I feel a lil way den.. so i put on my respectable voice and say, oh please report to the child care and protection agency, it should be okay.. and the bus reach Church road and I come out.


  1. Have you ever asked a bus driver who was speeding, to slow down? What did he say?

  2. Once I did that, and they slowed down for a bit. The buses I use tend not to be too bad. Mind you, I confess though, that I dont check the speedometer. I need to do that more often

  3. Oh.. so you living there. I go catch your gay lame self and buss ya head..

  4. Such venom Stolid.. come and catch me on Thursdays on vlissengen Road at 4pm outside Office of the President, channel your energy to protesting against violence against children


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