Condensed milk, cream cheese

Christmas 2013 with mango from the tree
The craving for sweet continued. I had a block of cream cheese to make tiramisu, but that was too complicated, so I found this recipe for no bake cheesecake.


For base 
1 packet Digestive or , oat crunch, or chocolate chip, biscuits (7oz or so?)
2 oz butter for 4oz biscuits
(1oz sugar optional)

For filling 
1 tin condensed milk
1 8oz pack cream cheese (and a little extra if you have )
1/3 cup lemon juice
1tablespoon grated lemon rind

1. Make the base. Crumb the bistcuits. Melt the butter and mix with the crumbs (and sugar and even put some oats if you want to feel healthy). Press the mixture onto the bottom of 6inch bowl or container. Make more mixture if you want some for the sides.

2. Make the filling. Beat the cream cheese, and slowly beat in the condensed milk. Add the lemon juice and rind and beat until the mixture is smooth. Careful how you put your fingers to scoop out the remainder of the condensed tin. Do not try to put your tongue in the tin, you could get nasty cuts.

3. Pour the filling on the base, and put in the fridge to set, or I put in the freezer since it did not set in the fridge. It gets to the texture of a pudding.

Enjoy.. i made this Friday and finished by Sunday, stomach feels a bit weird but it is not much to eat over three days.


  1. gosh Vidya, you could have just resorted to making some of that delicious kheer..u did promise too....and
    1, no risk of cutting tongue
    2, no stomach ache weird business
    3, hmmm...a satisfied sweet tooth.
    Your recipe sounds so easy...:)

  2. This is much easier than the kheer.. and with the kheer you got six or seven condensed milk tins to scoop out

    this recipe is very easy and quick, just have to wait for it to set


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