
The minibus driver is a former coach so we started gaffing about exercising, whether morning better than afternoon. He, the conductor, another man and me in the bus. He tell me that I need to sex plenty as well. I say that I masturbate, I dont have to worry with that. He stutter and say, what you saying, the conductor look at me like my head not good, and the other man laugh.
A 61 year old Trinidadian man I know say that masturbation has saved him from disastrous relationships because he does not need to go to women looking for sex as a base for a relationship. In Guyana, hushed discussions and talk here, not too many people willing to deal with that and celibacy and abstinence for some includes masturbation while for others they say it not good since you using energy which could be put to better purposes.

The driver recover himself, and say that boy, that thing not good, be careful, Mrs Palmer could get tired and one side muscle would get bigger than the other. I say, how so, he did not have any answer. Conductor still smiling.

Bus stop by Ayanganan and a lady soldier join the bus, so we stop talk about masturbation and the driver ask me if I did not see the lady soldier on the cover of JC Penny catalogue. Some other lady soldiers join and the driver and conductor carry on conversation about the nice looking women in the army these days


  1. jacked off three times today myself

  2. I do not think that masturbation is such a bad thing unless of course it makes you blind


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