Carrot Cake with peanut butter, jam and banana

(This picture comes from A merrier world and the cake I baked looked just like this. First time that my cakes ever look like a glossy picture.)

The first time I heard about carrot cake I thought the people were mad, carrots usually went in fry rice and chowmein. I tasted it anyway, with the banana frosting and found that it felt healthy eating it, and it was delicious.
Kind of like when I heard of pumpkin pone the first time, and then pumpkin pie - apparently many Americans dont eat pumpkin except in pie - they missing out on pumpkin and sada roti. Carrots apparently are used in many sweets around the world.

This morning as I lay in bed contemplating whether I should get up and go for a run, I decided to make a carrot cake ( I could have done that contemplation while running but that is besides the point)
I had no recipe, and used half of this one after browsing through many.

I made a mistake with half of 1 and a quarter cups of oil and ended up putting 3/4 cups of oil instead of  5/8 cups of oil (not sure how I getting 5/8 cup of oil) and I am very precise with my ingredients. I do manage to get 1 1/3 tsp of baking soda for another cake recipe.

There are lots of ways to make carrot cake, some with apple, some with pineapple. I was lazy to cut and stew the pineapple, but next time I will do that. I was glad to find that canned pineapple is not for sale in Guyana.

I also put some nutmeg, some oats, and some orange rind in it, I was thinking of elaichi too.

The batter looked very very carrotty and I panicked thinking that I made a mistake with the carrots.

So after about 50 minutes or so, the cake raise, it look nice and orange and it taste good, the crumbs from the pan. I kind of thinking of the oil I am consuming with every bite. I will try to use butter next time, because this oil thing lil weird and I feel like I am drinking oil with the carrots or something.

I did not bother to make the frosting, too much work and the only thing I use cream cheese for is tiramisu at Christmas.

I plan to put some peanut butter and jam and some banana with the carrot cake when I eat more of it later.


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