How to evaluate the session?

This blog is one of a series of Facilitation Thoughts which look at various aspects of facilitation. 

Evaluations are done for different reasons (apart from satisfying the organisers/donors ) and could be useful to the organisers and the facilitator.

During the session, the facilitator should be constantly evaluating each segment to see if the specific objectives of each segments are being met, and changing tactics if necessary.

If the session is over more than one day, it is good to do an evaluation at the end of the day.

The final evaluation of the session should answer the following questions :-

  • Do the participants feel that the session met its objectives?
  • How was the process? What worked? What should have been done differently?
  • Was the content enough to meet the objectives?
  • What did the participants learn?
  • What are some of the follow up actions?
These are some ways to evaluate a session :-
  • Use a case study/role play simulation to check on the knowledge and competencies of the participants. The idea of the evaluation is not to pass/fail the participants.
  • Ask particiants to do a verbal evaluation - sharing key learning points for the day, or a summary of what happened, etc
  • Ask the participants to anonymously do a written evaluation form. If the number of persons is large, then you could ask a sample of the room to do the written evaluation. The form should not be too lengthy.  Click here to download a sample form.
  • Do a post workshop survey (though response rates might be low). You could use any online survey tool such as Google Forms or SurveyMonkey, etc.

If you are facilitating a virtual session,  use the online tools like Google Forms to ask participants for their feedback before the sign off from the session. The participation rate might be higher if this is set as agenda item before the closing and next steps.

There is often cynicism from the participants if they believe their recommendations are not going to be used.

There should be some discussions with the organisers of the session and others on follow up action and commitment to the actions. 

What other ways would you use to evaluate a session?

Have a look at the other Facilitation blogs

Author : Vidyaratha Kissoon  contact : vidyak1 (at) gmail (dot) com


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